We’ve made it easy to place an order for delivery to multiple addresses from the same pick-up point. No more faxing or typing in individual names and addresses. For any delivery project with 10 or more addresses, you can just email us a spreadsheet and we’ll upload it directly into our system.
First, include the following information in your email:
Account Number
Contact Name
Telephone Number
Pickup Date
Pick-up Time
Pick-up Street Address
Type of Packages
Total No of Pieces
Requested Delivery Time Frame
Then just attach a spreadsheet with your delivery information:
Or you can use your own spreadsheet; just make sure it has columns and is in a .csv or .xls format. We can support Excel, Access and many other standards
Send the email to agbomah.a@monnicbb.com
Once we receive your email we’ll import the orders and dispatch the jobs within the time frame you specify. That’s all there is to it!